About Living Technology

Creating Affordable Smart Home and Air Conditioning Solutions

Living Technology is a passionate about promoting and supplying the latest technology in a simple and affordable offering. Historically the air conditioning and home automation markets have operated in separate markets.

The automation space operates in the luxury market with complex computer programming required to commission and upgrade your systems settings on an ongoing basis, and the air conditioning market is saturated with untrained and inexperienced personnel for what is a significant investment in your home.

Living Technology is here to change this, one system at a time. Living Technology personnel have extensive industry experience with a philosophy of providing a product and service that people talk about. This is why we don’t rely on advertising expenditure (and therefore don’t need to mark up to pay for it) and rely on your word as the best advertisement.

The products we install are backed by extensive warranties periods to provide piece of mind and are all well supported at a local level, ensuring you feel your warranty period and post warranty period will be well serviced.

Learn how we can help make your home smart and energy efficient for a lot less than you may think

Smart Home Solutions
Air Conditioning